Leinster Branch Badminton Union of Ireland (LBBUI) is responsible for managing badminton throughout the Leinster province, and consists of Badminton Clubs, County Associations, Badminton Organisations and individuals who affiliate to it.
LBBUI adopts an inclusive approach which caters for all players of all ages and abilities. It achieves this by supporting programmes in many different playing environments, including schools, clubs and coaching for individuals, juveniles, seniors and players who are committed and ambitious and want to play at the highest level.

The governing body responsible for Badminton in Ireland is the Badminton Union of Ireland Ltd. Its Leinster Branch is administered by the Leinster Executive Committee which is elected by the members of the Leinster Council. The Executive consists of the President of the Branch, the Chairperson of the Executive, the Honorary Treasurer of the Branch, and eight Executive members elected by the Council.
Are appointed by the Executive and they have power to purchase, sell, lease or take a mortgage on behalf of the Branch. If the Trustees have any concern about how the Branch is being run, they have special power to convene an Extraordinary General meeting to share their concerns with the Council.
Carries out the Branch activities with the support of both the Volunteers, and the Management Committees of the two Leinster Centres – Baldoyle Management Committee & Midland BC Management Committee.
There are 13 Sub-Committees, 7 of which are made up of Volunteers who exist to promote events, run tournaments, and develop badminton over all, and include the following:
- Dublin District Leagues & Cups Committee
- Youth Activities Committee
- Badminton Premier League Committee
- Senior Team Committee
- Leinster Tournaments Committee
- Masters Team Committee
- Dublin Schools Badminton Committee
The remaining 3 Sub-Committees support the previous Committees and involve:
- The Grading Committee: who administers the grading system for CACs.
- The Coaching Committee: who encourages players to become involved in coaching and to obtain the appropriate qualification to do so.
- The Court Officials Group: who referee all Leinster and other Provincial Tournaments.
Are the backbone of Leinster Badminton, and their day to day contributions are immeasurable. The Executive Committee awards the title of Honorary Life Member to those Volunteers who have given exceptional service to Leinster Badminton over a protracted period of time. Honorary Life Members may attend and vote at General Meetings.